Geothermal Heating and Cooling
Irregardless of the climate, season or weather, the temperature below ground stays relatively consistent year round. By tapping into this resource, an alternative renewable energy source is created through the use of geothermal heat pumps. This extremely energy efficient method of heating and cooling provides clean heating/cooling with up to 70% savings on your utility bills.
Like traditional heat pumps, the system works by transferring heat between indoors and out. However, geothermal pumps transfer the already warmer heat from the Earth through liquid filled pipes in the ground as opposed to the air, using drastically less energy. Contact Parks today for more information on our installation services!

Solar Hot Water Heaters
Solar water heaters are a cost effective and green alternative to traditional water heater systems. Using the free and renewable energy of the sun, you're able to generate your home's hot water in any climate or weather. By investing in a quality and professionally installed Energy Star qualified solar hot water heater, you can cut your yearly hot water costs in half. Solar hot water heaters come in a variety of designs, and Park's Electric & Mechanical Co. can work with your needs and budget to determine the best options.

Renewable Energy (Solar and Wind Power)
Renewable energy produced by solar and wind resources provides a clean, effectively limitless alternative option that has great benefits to both our environment and your budget. Energy produced by solar or wind power is free of emissions, resulting in cleaner air and water. By producing your own energy and/or working with your electric company for a hybrid power system, your utility bills will be drastically lower. In addition, there are numerous federal tax incentives available with qualifying alternative energy systems. Contact Parks today to start your path to energy independence and cleaner living!
Independence and Cleaner Living!
For more information on federal renewable energy tax credits, please visit Energy.Gov and for information on Virginia incentives, please visit Virginia.gov
For more information on solar energy buyback programs, please visit the Dominion Power Solar Purchase Program.